
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please email Caroline Bennett for more information.

SBMSA is not for profit with 501c3 status.

Banner Sponsor

$1,000 - $2,000

Display your company banner at our fields for all outdoor sports!

Unlimited Sponsors




T-shirt / Shooting Shirt Sponsor

$3,500 - $5,000

Wear your company logo on Opening Day and Championship (Tully Bowl) T-shirts for Football.


Wear your company logo on all Basketball Shooting Shirts!

1 sponsor per Shirt

Program Sponsor

$200 - $3,500

See your advertisement in our popular Opening Day and Tully Bowl Football Programs!

Unlimited Sponsors



Styrofoam Cup Sponsor

$5,000 - $7,000

Cool off with your company logo on Snow Cone cups for all outdoor sports!

1 sponsor per season

Jersey Sponsor

$5,000 - $20,000

Support your favorite league with your company logo on all team jerseys for baseball, softball, girls lacrosse and boys lacrosse.

1 sponsor per sport

VIP Parking Sponsor

$1,500 - $2,500

Park with ease in one of our VIP attended lots for baseball, football, soccer and lacrosse.

Limited sponsors


Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please email Caroline Bennett for more information.