SBMSA Basketball in the News
About SBMSA Basketball
SBMSA Basketball provides a developmental but competitive basketball program for aspiring basketball players, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the sport. Our mission is to provide a fun and competitive environment for all our players (ages 5-14) while promoting the values of teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship. Whether you’re an experienced player looking to take your game to the next level, or a parent new to the sport, we invite you to join us for an unforgettable basketball experience!
All skill levels welcome –
- Everyone plays – every game!
- Two games per week.
- One to two practices per week, depending on age level.
- Trained officials at every game.
- Playoff tournament at the end of the season.
- Sportsmanship awards.
- Senior League games do not interfere with SBISD middle school basketball schedules.
We have strict minimum playing time requirements, so every participant is assured of playing at least one and a half quarters each game. Lowered goals, smaller courts and smaller balls are used for the Freshman and Sophomore Leagues. All players are provided a game jersey and shorts.
Please take a minute to review the FAQ section below and the Basketball Rules for more specific information.
Age Divisions
For the 5-6 and 7-8 year old age groups, teams are generally formed by school attended whenever possible.
For the 9-10 and 11-15 year old age groups, teams are formed using a skills assessment and league-wide draft to improve competitive balance throughout the league.
Basketball Age Chart 2024-2025 Season
Please use the below chart to determine what league your child can play in. The box that indicated what league they should play is is determined by the year and month of your child’s birthday. For example, if a child was born in October of 2014, they are able to play in the Junior League. Any child born outside of the boundaries of this chart is not eligible to play SBMSA Basketball.
** Age Determination for SBMSA Basketball is the actual age of the child on April 30, 2024.

Basketball Seasons & Leagues
- Winter Freshman League
- Winter Sophomore League
- Winter Junior League
- Winter Senior League
Youth Ages
- 5-6 year old's
- 7-8 year old's
- 9-10 year old's
- 11-14 year old's
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
SBMSA Basketball is a developmental and competitive basketball program. Our program focuses on skills development, teaching the value of teamwork, emphasizing sportsmanship, and providing a fun, but competitive playing environment.
Players are divided between boys and girls programs and grouped into four leagues by age as of April 30th of the registration year:
Freshman – Ages 5-6
Sophomore – Ages 7-8
Junior – Ages 9-10
Senior – Ages 11-14
Freshman Girls 7.5’
Freshman Boys 8.5’
Sophomore Boys & Girls 8.5’
Junior Boys & Girls 10’
Senior (6th Grade) 10’
Senior Girls (7th/8th) 10’
Senior Boys (7th/8th) 10’
SBMSA Basketball wants all players to receive adequate playing time. All players in every age division must play a minimum of 1.5 quarters. The exceptions to this rule of participation are as follows: (1) player is injured or becomes ill or (2) player has been disciplined by the referee or coach (pre-approved by the SBMSA Basketball Board). Failure to comply with the player participation rules will result in the team forfeiting the game.
Registration generally opens in mid-September and closes in mid-October.
SBMSA Basketball registration fees are $375. Registration includes a team jersey, shorts and a long sleeve shooting shirt.
We use April 30th as our cut-off for determining which league participation. CLICK HERE to see our Basketball Age Chart for the current Season to determine which league your child is eligible to play in.
To request your child to play up, during registration select “Yes” for the question, “Do you want to “play up” in an older age group?”.
If your request for your child is approved, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you. No players will be allowed to “play up” more than one age division.
Unless approved by the Basketball Program Director, children must play in their appropriate age group level. CLICK HERE for our Basketball Age Chart to determine which league your child is eligible to play in.
No. All participants must meet the specific age requirements for registration. A birth certificate or legal proof of age must be presented at registration.
Our registration system automatically places your child in the appropriate age group based on their birthday. We use April 30th as our cut-off for determining league participation for players. CLICK HERE for our Basketball Age Chart to determine which league your child is eligible to play in.
We hope to be able to have a spot for every child that registers and working to clear our wait list as quickly as possible. We have leagues with wait lists due to (1) due to lack of available coaches and/or (2) gym space restrictions. Basketball is somewhat unique from most other SBMSA sports in that we reach capacity before the end of registration every year– we are restricted by gym space so we have a maximum number of teams. Waitlisted players are removed from the wait list in registration order
and placed in the active player pool as spots become available in their age division—either through more coach volunteers, player cancellations or securing additional gym space. The only exception is volunteer coaches players move off immediately (as long as we haven’t reached our maximum number of teams due to gym space restrictions), regardless of registration order. For every one person who volunteers to be a head coach, up to 10 additional players have the opportunity to play basketball this season. If you are interested in coaching, CLICK HERE.
We hate leaving players on the waitlist and every effort is being made to maximize our gym space to accommodate as many teams as possible.
Yes; however, due to the significant increase in the popularity of our basketball league, coupled with limited resources, SBMSA Basketball now gives registration preference to players who (1) reside within the boundaries of Spring Branch Independent School District, (2) attend a public or private school within the boundaries of Spring Branch Independent School District, or attend select private schools immediately surrounding the SBISD boundaries. This change is necessary to ensure that we can provide the best possible experience for all participants while managing our available resources effectively.
While you may register and have received an “Accepted Registration”, if you do not meet one of the above criteria you may be placed on a waitlist until such time as we determine if spots remain in your child’s age division. If spots remain available in age divisions, players not satisfying the above criteria will be removed from the waitlist in registration order and placed active player pool for their age division. We anticipate this process to be completed around October 6, 2023.
No, we do not allow players to “play down” in a division below their qualified age, except in very limited circumstances. If you have
questions regarding when players are permitted to “play down”, please contact the Basketball Program Director.
Late registration information is available on our registration page. We may close last registration early if all available spots have been filled in all leagues. To register past the late registrtion close date, please contact the Basketball Program Director to see if any spots are available. All late registrants are placed on a wait list and only added if openings become available in divisions. Players are removed from the wait list in the order that they registered.
After the registration deadline ends, we are working on the process of getting teams
formed. Freshman/Sophomore league commissioners are working to form teams
and you will be notified by your team’s coach once ALL teams have been formed.
Junior/Senior league commissioners will contact you with specific details about your
child’s skills evaluation (date/time). Following the coaches’ drafts (typically, but not
always, held the week following the skills assessment), you will be notified by your
team coach.
Please be patient. We have a lot of teams to form. If you have not heard from your
team’s coach by end of November, please contact your child’s league
Yes, if you notify us in writing on or before the following dates, you will receive a full refund less a $35.00 administrative fee. The $35.00 administrative fee will be deducted from your refund.
Freshman Leagues – October 15, 2024
Sophomore Leagues – October 15, 2024
Junior Leagues – October 15, 2024
Senior Leagues – November 3, 2024
No. All requests for refunds must be received in writing on or before the following dates:
Freshman Leagues – October 15, 2024
Sophomore Leagues – October 15, 2024
Junior Leagues – October 15, 2024
Senior Leagues – November 3, 2024
No. Our refund policy, which is stated on our website and on registration confirmation emails, is that we do not issue refunds after the following dates:
Freshman Leagues – October 15, 2024
Sophomore Leagues – October 15, 2024
Junior Leagues – October 15, 2024
Senior Leagues – November 3, 2024
If your child is still on the waitlist after all teams in their league have been formed, you will receive a full refund. However, if he is on the waitlist and you cancel your registration before all the teams have been finalized in that league, you will not receive a refund.
Refunds can take up to 7-10 days to be reflected on your credit card statement after SBMSA has issued the refund.
League Information (Teams, Games, Playoffs, and Pictures)
Teams in Freshman and Sophomore leagues are formed by league commissioners. These teams are organized by school when possible but it is not guaranteed-–there are no set school teams. Some schools that may not have enough players to form a team will be combined with players from other school(s) to form a team. Our goal is to have mixed ages on
each team to preserve the integrity of balanced teams. Players in our Freshman and Sophomore leagues may request to play with
a friend or for a particular coach. We will do our best to honor special requests, but we cannot guarantee them.
Teams in Junior and Senior leagues are formed by coach draft following a skills assessment to ensure competitive teams.
During skills assessments, players will demonstrate their basketball ability based on pre-defined categories defined by the league commissioner (i.e., dribbling and/or ball handling skills, shooting and/or free throws, passing, running and small team scrimmage).
Skills assessment dates can be found on our Basketball Calendar. After registration closes, the league commissioner for your child’s age group will follow-up with more details.
Sophomore & Freshman leagues practice twice per week—one on a weekday evening and one on Sunday afternoon/evening–at SBISD Elementary schools, Westchester Academy, and Spring Branch Education.
Each practice lasts one hour. Junior and Senior leagues practice once per week on Sunday afternoon/evening for 1.5 hours at SBISD middle and high school schools. There are no guarantees that your child will practice at any specific location.
Games begin January 9, 2024 (date subject to change).
Each team will play 10 regular season games. Games are played on weeknights and Saturdays – teams usually have one game during the week and one game on Saturday, unless your team has a bye-week.
SBISD middle schools, high schools, Westchester Academy, Hunter’s Creek Elementary, and Spring Branch Education Center gyms are used for practice and games. There are no guarantees that your child will play games at any specific location.
Yes! Senior League games and practices do not interfere with SBISD (and most private schools) middle school basketball schedules. Players are strongly encouraged to try out for their middle school basketball team and join SBMSA basketball. SMBSA provides additional practices and games to further develop players’ basketball skills in preparation for high school and it is fun!
Schedules are typically published in mid to late December, following the pre-season tournament.
We utilize SBISD facility for SBMSA practices and games and if SBISD campuses are closed due to inclement weather, all SBMSA practices and games will also be cancelled. When inclement weather occurs, we will notify parents of cancellations via email as soon as we confirm SBISD facility closures (and re-openings) with SBISD officials.
Games canceled due to inclement weather are not guaranteed to be rescheduled. However, the league, in its discretion may decide to schedule make-up games, time and gym space permitting.
Yes, every team is guaranteed at least one (1) playoff game each season. Larger leagues will have multiple playoff brackets (for example, Gold, Silver and Bronze), so evenly matched teams have an opportunity to make a championship game.
Playoffs will begin the week of February 6, 2024 (date subject to change).
Yes, playoff games are typically scheduled over Presidents’ Day Weekend. We encourage families to take playoffs into account when scheduling holiday travel plans.
Basketball pictures will be taken over several weekends in January. Coaches will receive an email from the photographer to select a date/time for their team’s pictures to be taken.
Yes, we have financial assistance available for families who need help with registration fees. Financial assistance requests can be made by attending our in-person registration at Academy Sports, 9734 Katy Freeway, Houston, Texas 77055. In-person registration dates for the
Any adult 18 years of age or older can register to be a coach. Coach requests are reviewed and must be approved by the Basketball board members.
Coaches register online the same way they register their children (no cost to register for coaching). CLICK HERE to register to coach.
Coaches are expected to:
• attend a mandatory coaches meeting;
• evaluate players at the annual skills assessments (Junior/Senior leagues);
• draft a team at the draft for their division (Junior/Senior leagues);
• conduct practices (at least one per week in pre-season & one per week after games begin);
• manage their team during games (games are played on weeknights and Saturdays – teams usually have one game during the week and one game on Saturday);
• recruit a scorekeeper to keep the scorebook at each home game and a clock operator at each visitor game;
• ensure all team players and parents conduct themselves with the highest level of sportsmanship and adhere to the SBMSA Basketball Rules; and,
• conduct themselves with the highest level of sportsmanship and adhere to the SBMSA Basketball Rules. Specifically, coaches are expected to:
understand that the program will be carried out by all participants in a competitive, but sporting manner;
understand that the season is about the players and not make any decisions based upon my personal agenda or that of other
work hard to improve each players’ skills and the performance of their team;
respect my players, parents, opponents, spectators and officials;
not use profane language for any reason during games or practices;
be respectful in challenging calls made on the court, conducting
myself as an example to my players and others;
have fun and enjoy the game and help my players to do the same;
understand that there is never an acceptable reason to violate any of the league rules and will ensure that my players and parents understand that they are in place for the fairness, competitiveness and enjoyment of the game for ALL!; and,
not engage in violence or threats of violence before, during or after games or practices
Head coaches and assistant coaches serve in such capacity at the discretion of the Basketball and Sportsmanship Board. Violations of the Basketball Rules or any other behavior or conduct that is determined by SBMSA, in its sole discretion, to be detrimental to the league or participants may result in suspension or removal from such volunteer positions.
We are always looking for volunteers! Please a Basketball Board member for more information.
Contact the Basketball Program Director or the league commissioner for your child’s league. CLICK HERE for Basketball Board contact info.
League & Information
Basketball League Details
Freshman League
• Ages 5 and 6
• Ball Size: 27.5"
• Goal Height: 8.5'
Sophomore League
• Ages 7 and 8
• Ball Size: 28.5"
• Goal Height: 8.5'
Junior League
• Ages 9 and 10
• Ball Size: 28.5"
• Goal Height: 10'
Senior 6th Grade League
• Ages 11-12
• Ball Size: 28.5"
• Goal Height: 10'
Senior 7th/8th Grade League
• Ages 13-14
• Ball Size: 28.5"
• Goal Height: 10'
NO-REFUNDS will be issued for any reason after registration closes. If requested before the close of registration, you will receive a refund, less a $35 administration fee.
2024-2025 Basketball Season Calendar
September 5, 2024 |
8:00 am |
Coach Registration Opens |
Online - Visit Here |
September 15, 2024 |
8:00 am |
GIRLS Player Registration Opens |
Online - Visit Here |
September 16, 2024 |
8:00 am |
BOYS Player Registration Opens |
Online - Visit Here |
September 18, 2024 |
6:00 - 8:00 pm |
In-person Registration - Financial Aid Available |
Academy Sports + Outdoors, 9734 Freeway Houston, TX 77055 |
September 21, 2024 |
9:00 - 11:00 am |
In-person Registration - Financial Aid Available |
Academy Sports + Outdoors, 9734 Freeway Houston, TX 77055 |
October 8, 2024 |
(Date subject to change due to leagues being closed due to being full) |
Registration Closes (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Leagues) NOTE: Also Last Day to Request Registration Refund |
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October 16-31, 2024 |
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Late Registration (Freshman, Sophomore & Junior Leagues) (Date subject to change due to leagues being closed due to being full) |
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November 4, 2024 |
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Registration Closes (Senior League) NOTE: Also Last Day to Request Registration Refund |
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Rust Shaker Clinic (Sophomore, Junior & Senior Leagues) |
November 3, 2024 |
10am - 9pm |
Skills Assessments - Junior League Boys (Date subject to change) |
Stratford High School |
November 10, 2024 |
10am - 6pm |
Skills Assessments - Senior League Boys (6th Grade) (date subject to change) |
Spring Branch Middle School |
November 10, 2024 |
10am - 9pm |
Skills Assessments - Junior League Boys (Date subject to change) |
Stratford High School |
Skills Assessments - Senior League Girls (6th Grade) (date subject to change) |
November 10, 2024 |
Skills Assessments - Junior League Girls (Date subject to change) |
Memorial High School |
Skills Assessments - Senior League Girls (7th/8th Grade) (Date subject to change) |
November 10, 2024 |
Skills Assessments - Senior League Boys (7th/8th Grade) (Date subject to change) |
Spring Oaks Middle School |
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Freshman & Sophomore Drafts |
- |
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Junior & Senior Drafts |
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December 1, 2024 |
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Sunday Practices Begin Subject to Availability by SBISD) |
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December 1, 2024 |
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Weekday Practices Begin (Date subject to change) |
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Coaches Meeting |
December 7, 2024 |
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Pre-season Tournaments (Senior League - 7th/8th Grades) (Date Subject to Change) |
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December 14, 2024 |
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Pre-season Tournaments (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Leagues & Senior League - 6th Grade) (Date Subject to Change) |
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December 22, 2024 |
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Gyms Close for Holiday Breaks |
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December 29, 2024 |
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Gyms Open for Holiday Practices (Subject to Availability by SBISD) |
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January 5, 2025 |
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Regular Sunday Practice Resumes - All League |
January 7, 2025 |
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Regular Season Begins |
NOTE: There may be games played on select Sundays in addition to weekday & Saturday games. |
January 12, 2025 |
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Photo Day #1 (Date subject to change) |
Spring Woods Middle School |
January 19, 2025 |
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Photo Day #2 (Date subject to change) |
Spring Woods Middle School |
January 26, 2025 |
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Photo Day #3 (Date subject to change) |
Spring Woods Middle School |
SBMSA Night - MHS v. SHS |
February 9, 2025 |
Reduced Practice Schedule |
February 10, 2025 |
Regular Season Ends (Date subject to change) |
SBMSA Night - NHS v. SWHS |
February 13, 2025 |
Playoffs Begin (Date subject to change) |
NOTE: Games will be played over President's Day weekend |
March 1, 2025 |
Coleman Chaos/Championship Day |
Don Coleman Coliseum & Stratford High School |
March 2, 2025 |
All-Star Recognition (Date subject to change) |
Senior League (7th/8th Grade) |
March 2-5, 2025 |
All-Star Games (Date subject to change) |
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Leagues |
Spring Branch-Memorial Sports Association
Basketball Board of Directors
Meet the Spring Branch-Memorial Sports Association Basketball board of directors.
Board Officer |
Position |
Email |
Nancy Scales |
Program Director |
Jud Martin |
Assistant Program Director |
Thomas Kleiderer |
Freshman Girls' Commissioner |
Brett Nixon |
Freshman Boys' Commissioner |
Thomas Horton |
Freshman Boys' Commissioner |
Jesse Blair |
Sophomore Girls' Co-Commissioner |
Matt Butts |
Sophomore Girls' Co-Commissioner |
Jay Sartain |
Sophomore Boys' Co-Commissioner |
Scott Sims |
Sophomore Boys' Co-Commissioner |
Joe Virene |
Sophomore Boys' Co-Commissioner |
Paul Edmonds |
Junior Girls Commissioner |
Stephan Shaw |
Junior Boys Commissioner |
Nima Bousheri |
Junior Boys Commissioner |
David Marshall |
Senior Girls' (6th) Commissioner |
Tien Nguyen |
Senior Boys' (6th) Co-Commissioner |
Jay Beasley |
Senior Boys' (6th) Co-Commissioner |
Nancy Scales |
Senior Girls' (7th/8th) Commissioner |
Jason Warren |
Senior Boys' (7th/8th) Commissioner |
Travis Wells |
Senior Boys' (7th/8th) Commissioner |
Tien Nguyen |
Senior Boys' (7th/8th) Commissioner |
Evan Perroni |
Member-At-Large/Board Advisor |
Rob Cooksey |
Member-At-Large/Board Advisor |
Clint Cobb |
Member-At-Large/Board Advisor |
Erin Warren |
Member-At-Large/Board Advisor |
Thomas Allenman |
Member-At-Large/Board Advisor |
Stephen Tou |
Member-At-Large/Board Advisor |
Joseph Chao |
Sportsmanship Director |
Alisa Williams |
Coach Certification Coordinator |
Nathan Goff |
Officials Liaison & Rules Coordinator |
Brandi Heinz |
Alumni Coordinator |
Elementary Gym Community Outreach Board
Board Officer |
Position |
Email |
Scott Wischoff |
Frostwood Elementary (FWE) Gym Coordinator |
Nathan Goff |
Meadow Wood Elementary (MWE) Gym Coordinator |
Tyler Swain |
Memorial Drive Elementary (MDE) Gym Coordinator |
Thomas Allenman |
Rummel Creek Elementary (RCE) Gym Coordinator |
Joe Virene |
Valley Oaks Elementary (VOE) Gym Coordinator |
Sportsmanship Board
Board Officer |
Position |
Email |
Joseph Chao |
Sportsmanship Director |
Jonathan McElvy |
Freshman Girls Sportsmanship Commissioner |
Sarah Seeley |
Sophomore Girls Sportsmanship Commissioner |
James Valentine |
Junior Boys Sportsmanship Commissioner |
Hunter Cameron |
Senior Boys (6th) Sportsmanship Commissioner |
Chris Pine |
Senior Boys (7th/8th) Sportsmanship Commissioner |
Support Services Board
Basketball Camps
2023 Rust Shaker – Saturday, October 28th
Second Baptist School E-Gym – 6410 Woodway Drive, 77057 (the gym is located across from the football field)
Girls: 8:00am – 11:30am
Boys: 12:00pm – 3:30pm
Cost: $45
SBMSA will be conducting a skills clinic for anyone wanting to “shake off the rust” in preparation for the SBMSA Basketball season. This clinic will be run by high school coaches and will stress fundamental skills to help players prepare for the upcoming season.
Second Baptist School E-Gym – 6410 Woodway Drive, 77057 (the gym is located across from the football field)
Saturday, October 28th
Sophomore (2nd/3rd grade) 8:00 – 9:30am
Junior (4th/5th grade) 8:00 – 9:30am
Senior (6th-8th grade) 10:00 – 11:30am
Sophomore (2nd/3rd grade) 12:00 – 1:30pm
Junior (4th/5th grade) 12:00 – 1:30pm
Senior (6th-8th grade) 2:00 – 3:30pm
What to Bring:
Nothing! Water and basketballs will be provided. Just come in athletic clothing ready to have fun and practice your basketball skills.
2023 Holiday Hoops Clinic – Date and Time TBA
2024 President’s Day Clinic – Date and Time TBA
Basketball Archive
Sportsmanship Award Recipients

Spring Branch-Memorial Sports Association
Former Board Members
See our previous board members below. Click the link provided to see the board and their positions for each year.
Champions Over the Years
Coming Soon! Construction currently in progress – check back later.